Biocol Labs sits at the intersection of three interconnected challenges in the pharmaceutical and healthcare worlds: distrust, naturality and education.
Distrust. The traditional pharmaceutical models based on over-the-counter chemical drugs to fight sick care have generated confusion among consumers. More than 50% of Americans taking drugs to fix an ailment wish there were an alternative. Though the pharmaceutical industry has contributed significantly to improving global health, there is also a history of companies choosing profits over people, promoting addictive drugs while emphasizing safety and low potential for addiction, and taking large profits on life-saving drugs that could otherwise be distributed more widely.
Naturality. As the global wellness movement grows, many consumers are also increasingly aware of what they ingest, and opt for natural medicines instead of pharmaceutical medication. Not only have natural plants been part of our practices for thousands of years, but many of our modern prescriptions are increasingly being challenged for undesirable or even ineffective outcomes. As an example, scientists have called into question the widespread use of antidepressants after a major review found “no clear evidence” that low serotonin levels are responsible for depression.
Education. Finally, the explosion of (mis)information makes it difficult to know what to trust when reading about medical treatments and protocols online. This was brought into sharp focus during the COVID-19 pandemic, but pre-dates 2020. As an example, studies have shown that up to 87% of posts on social media on topics such as smoking or drugs such as opioids and marijuana contain misinformation. In this context, providing science-based, reliable information is critical for our medical world.